Latest News and Updates
All the latest news and update for our Cara Community.
Introducing the Cara Intake and Growth Team
There’s a famous saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”. First...
October 2022 NDIS Updates from Cara Connect
The Cara Connect Team plays an important role as ‘The Connector’ between the Cara head office, our...
Ashley has the right tools for the job
Men’s Shed: A community-based, non-profit, non-commercial organisation that is accessible to all...
Living in Lucy’s Neighbourhood
Recently we introduced you to Neighbourhoods, Cara’s new service model that groups our Supported...
Farewell Liz Cohen
I have formally advised the Cara Board of my intention to step down as Chief Executive after more...
Interim Chief Executive Appointment
The Cara Board of Directors would like to recognise and thank Liz Cohen for her leadership over...
When housemates become family
In 2002, John Howard was Australia’s Prime Minister, Kath and Kim premiered on the ABC, Steven...
Celebrating 45 years of Jenny!
After an astonishing 45 years at Cara, Jenny Millikan is moving into an exciting new phase of...
Faces of Cara – Meet Kim
Proving it’s never too late for a career change, Kim spent two decades as a dental assistant and...