An important COVID-19 (Coronavirus) update

Nov 17, 2020 | News

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

As you may be aware, a new COVID-19 cluster has been detected in the northern suburbs of Adelaide over the last 72 hours.

Cara will continue to be cautious, careful and considered in the way that we manage operations throughout this pandemic. We want to ensure that our Cara customers are kept safe and healthy.

If you were present at either of the following places at the specified times, you must self-quarantine and seek testing immediately:

  • Elizabeth — The Aquadome, 1 Crockerton Road, Saturday 14 November 11.00am – 1.30pm
  • Elizabeth Vale — Lyell McEwin Hospital (Emergency Department only), between 5.30pm Friday 13 November – 8.00am Saturday 14 November

SA Health is contacting everyone who was in these locations during the listed times who may have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.

In addition, if you have visited any of the locations within the specified timeframes listed on the SA Health website, it is very important that you monitor your health and get tested if you start experiencing symptoms. These locations include, but are not limited to, retail and eating outlets in the northern and western suburbs, as well as buses and bus stations in the northern suburbs and in the city.

If you have symptoms (fever and/or chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell), you must isolate, get tested for COVID-19 and stay isolated until your result is known.

We would also like to remind our customers and their families of the importance of good hygiene practices, especially during this time. Please wash your hands, clean surfaces regularly and maintain social distancing (1.5 metres) from others where possible. These are the best ways to prevent infection.

During this time, based on SA Government advice, the following actions should be taken by our customers:

  • Visitors to the home will be limited to reduce the risk of infection to all people sharing the house. We recommend up to two essential visitors (family or guardians) per day for each customer. We ask visitors to wear a mask (which we can supply) and to meet with their loved ones in their bedroom or outdoors.
  • As announced by the SA Government, up to 10 people are permitted in a home at any one time (including customers, staff and visitors).
  • Customers should only leave the home for essential outings (ie: therapy consultations, medical appointments, day programs etc.). This includes going to a park or outdoor area where this is necessary for you/your loved one’s wellbeing.
  • We ask customers not to attend family gatherings or family members’ homes.
  • Staff will assist customers to continue home-based activities they enjoy (such as gardening, music, craft and cooking).
  • Avoid any high-risk locations such as government listed COVID ‘hot spots’.
  • Staff will order groceries online where possible.
  • Avoid public gatherings and crowded public places (such as large shopping centres).

To help protect our customers, our staff and our customers’ families, Cara is continuing thorough office cleaning and hygiene practices. We monitor government announcements daily and will continue to adjust our infection prevention measures according to that advice.

Where can I find more information?
We will keep in contact with you as the current situation evolves.

You can find information on our website at and on our Facebook page at

For the most up to date and accurate information regarding restrictions and recommendations, visit

I’m proud of the way the Cara Community has worked together to keep our customers safe this year. We will keep you updated as we continue to monitor the situation and follow the advice given by SA Health.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Cara Connect team on (08) 8347 4588
or at

Yours sincerely

Liz Cohen
Cara Chief Executive

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